السلام عليكم اخواني اقدم الإصدار الجديد
madVR v0.89.3
وهذة هي اهم التغيرات في هذا الإصدار
madVR v0.89.3
* NNEDI3/OpenCL now uses D3D11 interop instead of D3D9 interop
* implemented most of the various missing black bar features
* added support for device profiling
* added vertical scrollbar to "profile auto select rules" edit field
* added "smoothmotion" bool value for profile rules
* fixed: sometimes video was zoomed in way too much without any reason
* fixed: black bar detection sometimes had false positives
* fixed: black bar detection sometimes unnecessarily dropped correct detection
* fixed: DXVA processing sometimes broke when stopping & starting the graph
* fixed: sub options were active even if black bar detection was off